Getting your nutrition correct for an Ultra Run is just as important as any other part of your training.
You train too hard, invest a lot of time and money, so let’s not waste it all.
We have broken it down into 5 categories to make it as simple as possible and less daunting.
Think 5 Things

Nutrition Choices
Your nutrition needs to be clean as possible. Eliminate the things which your body does not need and could potentially harm your performance. Ingredients such as simple sugars (any ingredient ending in “ose”, fructose, dextrose, etc) preservatives, colorings, etc.
- Liquid fuels are preferred.
- easy to digest full contents
- solids take longer to digest and can even remain partially digested
- liquids contain less rubbish ingredients
- Choose a base fuel to use 50-70% of the time.
- Plan other small snacks around the base fuel to avoid flavor fatigue.
- Minimize usage of caffeine. If you use caffeine, lower your caffeine intake (25 -50 mg max/hour.) and use towards the end of the race. Caffeine is a stimulant, there is a downside.
Calories / JK
30 + years of knowledge and successfully working with thousands of endurance athletes around the world has taught us to limit Calorie intake 120 – 180 / hour (502 – 753kg). Learn why…
Electrolytes are to the body as like “oil is to car”, they don’t make the engine run, but they’re necessary to keep everything running
smoothly. Proper functioning of the digestive, nervous, cardiac, and muscular systems depends on adequate electrolyte levels.
Electrolytes need to be consistently consumed (hourly). Learn more…

Hammer has 2 ways of providing Electrolytes, Endurolytes or Endurolytes FIZZ. Both are formulated to provide an excellent cross section of Electrolytes. Salt Tablets only contain sodium and Potassium; you will need a full cross section of Electrolytes (Vitamin B6, Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, Chloride, Sodium, Potassium, and Tyrosine).
Many variables—body weight, level of fitness, weather conditions, acclimatization level, and biological predisposition—come into play to optimize one’s personal electrolyte requirements. It is vital that you experiment with a dosage that is suitable to you.
Consume between 590-750 ml per hour. Conditions and body weight may slightly alter these amounts. Always keep hydration separate from Nutrition. Consuming a bottle mixed for both (hydration/calories) often leads to the over consumption of calories.
Once you have a plan it needs to be rehearsed and refined, preferable over 2-3 months. Consuming nutrition during an ultra-event on an
hourly basis is not a given. The biggest mistake is often made when the athlete forgets for 2-3 hours and then consumes large amounts
in one hit to make up for it. Practice, practice, practice …….


Base fuel Perpetuem – Mix into multi hour bottles (2-4 hours)
Other products to use, Hammer Gels, Hammer Bars and Solids
Use other similar based snacks around these, your choice.
Example plan
- Always consume 590-800 ml water per hour.
- Always consume 1-3 Endurolytes per hour.
- 1 x 3-hour bottle Perpetuem (4-6 scoops) 3 Hours
- Small snack – below 180 calories 1 hour
- 1x 2-hour Bottle Perpetuem – 2 hours
- Hammer Bar – 1 hour
- 1x 2-hour bottle Perpetuem -2 hours
- 2 Hammer gels – 1 hour
- Small snack choice – 1 hour