The Hartley Ability Cycle Challenge is a unique event, requiring detailed attenition to all areas of preparation physical, mental and NUTRITIONAL.
If you are doing the challenge it is essential to plan your nutrition and to practice it at every oppurtuity. Hammer Nutrition have put together the basic guidelines and information to get you started. Treat the knowledge like gold and you will have a much more enjoyable ride.
These are the 6 basic topics you should know about your nutrition. Take 15 minutes to read this information and you will be well prepared to make some crucial decision that will better your performance.
Nutritional Guidelines:
- Hydration – Keep fluid between 475-830ml per hour
- Amount of fuel required for an hour – Restrict caloric intake between 120-180 calories/hour during exercise
- Fuelling Choices – Avoid simple sugar in you fuels; use complex carbohydrates
- Electrolytes
- Recovery – Replenish your body with carbohydrates and protein as soon as possible after each exercise session
- Nutrition Practice – This is something that is so fundamentally important, but can be completely overlooked until race day! Do not do that. Practice your Nutrition like you practice your training! This practise will pay huge dividends on race day.
For far more detail we strongly suggest that you read the bible of Sports Endurance Nutrition.
The Endurance Athletes Guide to Success
Once you have this information you can then make a better informed choice.
Hammer Nutrition has a 1300 913 240 line dedicated to giving advice.
All participants and supporters of the Hartley Ability Cycle Challenge are entitled to a 10% discount of the internet price. Discount Code: HACC.
Remember “The better you feel during the rider, the better you will recover for the next day.”