If you are going to run/walk this distance you need a solid nutrition plan. Failure to adequately address your nutrition for this event will result in very long and difficult day. This is totally unnecessary if you learn what nutrition to take, how much and when. Hammer Nutrition specifically develops Endurance nutrition products. We have been in business for 26 years fuelling endurance athletes all over the world with the best scientifically developed products. Our longevity is testimony to our products.
We have put together the 6 basic guidelines for you to read and follow. Treat this knowledge like gold and place into practise during your training. You will reap the rewards of this knowledge and stop yourself from making Nutritional errors. For those who want far greater detail they can read the Endurance Athletes Guide to Success.
Fuelling Choices
General rules regarding consumption of fuel
- A complete liquid fuel is possible to complete the event, however most will feel the need to eat solids – Make solid food consumption the exception, not the rule.
- Choose a base fuel (liquid) to use 50-70% of the time. Choose a fuel that ticks all the right boxes. Our choice is Perpetuem.
- Plan other supplements / small snacks (Gels, bars, sandwiches and drinks etc.) around this. Variety is crucial to avoid flavour fatigue.
- Avoid foods which are hard to digest, high in saturated fats, refined sugars etc.
- Avoid simple sugars, i.e. lollies, chocolates – What pushes your blood sugars up quickly, will drop them quickly.
- Do not use caffeine all day. Use maximum 25 -50 mg max/hour. Use at the end of the course. Caffeine is a stimulant which has a downside
Fuelling Plans
We have to put together a suggested fuelling plans. As noted above it is vital you practise your plan as much as possible during the lead up to the event. If you have any questions please email us at hammernutrition@gmail.com Suggested Fuelling plans for a 240km run
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