The Great Ocean & Otway Classic Ride is a great ride to do and for Hammer Nutrition to become involved with.
Our job at Hammer is to make sure you the right nutrition to use and fuel correctly so you can successfully complete the ride and feel great during.
This ride is not just getting on your bike, turning up, and hoping to get through a 145km. To ensure an enjoyable ride, let’s plan your nutrition and do it right.
These are the 6 basic topics you should know about your nutrition. Take 15 minutes to read this information and you will be well prepared to make some crucial decision that will better your performance.
For far more detail we strongly suggest that you read the bible of Sports Endurance Nutrition.
The Endurance Athletes Guide to Success
Once you have this information you can then make a better informed choice.
“There is also special offer for all riders of 10% discount on ALL Hammer products.
To get this discount go to the products page, select the products and proceed to the shopping cart checkout.
In the Checkout cart you will see a coupon section, place this coupon code OTWAY in the coupon section, click apply and checkout.
The discount will be applied. If you are unsure which products you would like, we suggest that you start with the Starter Pack ”
Hammer Nutrition’s must do points for successful completion of the Great Ocean & Otway Classic Ride:
- Keep fluid intake during exercise between 550-800/ml per hour.
- Keep calorie consumption to a maximum of 250- 350 calories/hour (approx.1260 kj/ Hr)
- Measure exactly what calories/kj you are consuming. Taking too much can be worse than not enough!
- Separate your hydration from nutrition on the bike to stop confusion
- Only consume complex carbohydrates until the last 30-45 minutes of the ride.
- Use some form of extra electrolyte supplementation for cramp prevention.
- Trial your nutritional plan as much as possible leading up to the ride.
Fueling Preference:
- Our preferred fuel source is Liquid. (This may not suit everyone)
- Liquids are easily digestible. Solids will take longer to digest and will take blood away from the working muscles to digest.
- By taking liquids you can be almost 100% certain of how many calories you are consuming per hour.
- Taking solids you can never be sure on how many calories are being digested per hour.
- Consumption of too many solids can make you feel lethargic and slow you down.
- Hammer Perpetuem is ideal for this purpose (See website for Mixing Instructions)
- Remember Flavour Fatigue can be a problem. Practice will determine if you can tolerate 1 fuel type or require a mixture.
- Our preference is to use a base fuel (Perpetuem) for 60-70% of the time and break this up with other supplements such as Hammer gels and small amounts of Hammer Bars.
Benefits of Perpetuem
Perpetuem contains all 3 nutrients (Complex Carbohydrates, Soy Protein and Lipids)
- It is scientifically designed for Endurance exercise lasting longer than 3 hours and up to 2-3 days.
- Perpetuem gives you very stable energy levels over a long period of time without the highs and lows.
- This is exactly what your body needs over this duration. It does not give you the spikes in energy given by simple sugars.
- Perpetuem contains complex carbohydrates, Soy protein and Lipids (type of fat).
- The complex carbohydrates give the consistent stable energy supply
- The soy will help your body stop breaking down its own muscle tissue.
- The Lipids will help release your own fats stores. Fat will be a major contributor to energy demands. The longer you go the more important fat becomes as a fuel source.
- Perpetuem can be mixed into a Multiple Hour Bottle. For example a 3-4 hour bottle can be mixed for between drink stations.
- Perpetuem is a complete source of Energy (No other nutrients are required apart from Hydration/ Electrolytes)
For exact details on Perpetuem
In our opinion the use of added electrolytes is mandatory. Electrolytes are not stored in the body. So you need to replace them on a consistent basis every hour. Treat these as an insurance policy against cramping. You have trained too hard and too long to suffer from unnecessary cramping. Our preferred choice of electrolytes is Endurolytes (1-3 per hour).
Other Hammer Products to use
All Hammer products can be used together. It’s a great idea to use some of these other Hammer products to use to break up the monotony of using one product.
Hammer Bars (230Calories) – a great easy to digest alternative, to break up the consumption of Perpeutem
Hammer gels (100calories) – Easy to consume Energy Gel.
H.E.E.D (High Energy Electrolyte Drink – 100 calories scoop) – a mild tasting Energy drink (only uses Complex Carbohydrates) with a good cross section of Electrolytes.
Suggested Fueling Plan
Finish under 4 hours
- Always consume 590-800 ml water per hour.
- Always consume 1-3 Endurolytes per hour.
- 1 – 3rd hours – 1 x 3 Hour bottle Perpetuem (4-6 scoops)
- Final Stretch – 1-2 gels with added caffeine.
Finish over 4 hours
- Always consume 590-800 ml water per hour.
- Always consume 1-3 Endurolytes per hour.
- 1 – 3rd hours – 1 x 3 Hour bottle Perpetuem (4-6 scoops)
- 4th Hour – 1 Hammer Bar plus 1-2 gels
- Repeat points 3 and 4 until last hour, always remember point 1 and 2
- Final Stretch – 1-2 gels with added caffeine.
When you have FINISHED
Always remember, if you have put your body through this much pain and suffering show it a little bit of love and give it some form of recovery product within the 30 minutes since finishing. It will respond a whole heap better and may even let you do it all again